About this Content OER
The OER4SDI project aims to develop and publish a collection of CC-licensed teaching materials. These materials are intended for students in study programs such as geoinformatics, geodesy and geomatics. They cover the architecture, implementation and use of spatial data infrastructures, including their conceptual, technical and legal foundations as well as approaches to development and governance at different levels.
Course content on Github
By working with these materials, students should gain a sound understanding of distributed spatial data infrastructures. The aim is for them to develop the necessary skills to actively use these infrastructures in the future and contribute to their development.
AuthorDr. Albert RemkeDr. Carsten KeßlerDr. Andreas RienowDr. Henryk HodamFabian Przybylak
FacultyNatural Sciences
Formatself-study course in Moodle
Date of PublicationThu, 09/19/2024 - 15:34 (updated on Mon, 01/06/2025 - 11:25)
Language of the ContentDeutschEnglish