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diAM:INT (Digital application tasks for mathematics in computer science, natural sciences and technology)

This unsupervised course offers digital math problems for computer science, science and engineering in higher education. It covers basic topics in linear algebra and calculus, divided into computational and comprehension tasks (STACK) and programming tasks in Python (Jupyter notebooks).

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Linear Algebra & Geometry II [2/2] (OCW)

In this OCW course the lecture Linear Algebra and Geometry II held in SoSe 2017 is presented in structure, construction and sequence. This lecture is one of the four basic lectures that are obligatory for all students of mathematics in their first year of study.

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DigStat - Digital learning units in statistics

The DigStat course contains digital learning units on topics that are central components of all basic statistics courses. The target group includes students of mathematics and statistics as well as students of engineering, economics, pharmacy and medicine.
The learning units consist of structured lessons with digital tasks.

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Preliminary Course - Natural Science

You would like to refresh your basic knowledge in mathematics, chemistry and physics and prepare for the pre-examination in biology? Then you've come to the right place.