Review of Open Education Week

The Open Education Week at the beginning of March offered many exciting events: Open Education Week March 4-8 2024 A Global Distributed Event ( From participating in selected events, I gained some interesting insights and tips. The Open Education Week demonstrated that open education provides the opportunity to integrate various perspectives into teaching. In this context, I would like to highlight the SCOPE Framework, the Climate Justice Instructional Toolkit, and the concept of "abundance." Additionally, some events prompted discussions on the relationship between openness and so-called "Artificial Intelligence."

SCOPE Framework

The SCOPE Framework is used to explore open education and consists of the elements "social justice," "costs," "outcomes," "perspectives," and "engagement." The framework was introduced during the Open Education Week by one of the authors of the associated publication, Jasmine Roberts-Crews. Social justice plays a significant role in this framework.

Clinton-Lisell, V. E., Roberts-Crews, J., & Gwozdz, L. (2023). SCOPE of Open Education: A New Framework for Research. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 24(4), 135–153.

Climate Justice Instructional Toolkit

The Climate Instructional Toolkit is a resource that assists in integrating topics from the field of "Climate Justice" into teaching. The toolkit contains a wealth of information and resources in English: Instructional Toolkit | Environmental Solutions Initiative (

Pedagogy of Abundance

Dave Cormier, a Canadian education expert, offered a session on the topic of "abundance" in the context of open education. He has explored the issue of information overload and its impact on education in his publication.

Open Education and AI

Current AI technologies based on language models offer approaches and points of contact for open education. With AI support, open educational materials can be created or one's own learning can be structured and supported. However, this is also subject to certain conditions, such as access to corresponding technologies, which often involve costs. Another requirement is individual knowledge levels, especially when language models are used as sources of information. Much depends on how generated responses can be evaluated. In the context of openness, it is also important to note that companies operating language models do not reveal their cards and are not sufficiently transparent.

Saif Al-Dilaimi
Saif ist Mitarbeiter im eLearning Bereich des ZfW und übernimmt die technische Betreuung von OpenRUB.