About this Content
The goal of the 5x5000 competition each semester is to support innovative e-learning projects at RUB that promote learning. The five winning projects are funded with prize money of 5.000 euros. Projects can be submitted by all RUB teachers or by a team consisting of teachers and students. The planning and implementation of the competition is entirely in the hands of students. A student jury will decide on the five winning projects.
For more information, the entry criteria, the current motto of the competition round, and all past winners, see the 5x5000 Moodle course.
- Information about the 5x5000 competition
- Participation in the competition
AuthorZfW, Bereich eLearning (RUBeL)
FacultyRUBeL (eLearning)
All rights reserved.
Date of PublicationWed, 04/24/2024 - 13:26 (updated on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 13:43)
Language of the ContentDeutschEnglish